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Automated Admin Systems: Streamline Your Business, Save Time and Money

In a fast-paced business environment, administrative tasks can become a significant drain on both time and resources. At Barrett Solutions, we specialise in building automated admin systems that are designed to save you time, reduce overhead costs, and allow your team to focus on what really matters—growing your business.

Our preferred programming language for these systems would be Python, but we can be flexible and work within any environment if needed. Our systems are versatile, scalable, and entirely customisable, making them perfect for businesses across industries. Whether you’re a small local business or a large-scale enterprise, our bespoke solutions are here to optimise your operations and boost productivity

As a trusted technology partner, we offer comprehensive solutions tailored to your unique business needs. Our expertise spans:

These are just a glimpse of the services we offer. If you need custom systems or tailored IT solutions, feel free to reach out to us at – our mission is clear: to support your business in thriving within today’s digital landscape, whether it’s creating your first website or developing advanced, bespoke systems.

How Automated Admin Systems Work

Our Python-driven admin systems are designed to be highly adaptable, allowing businesses to integrate them seamlessly into their operations. The key benefits include:

  • Customisation: Our solutions are tailored to your specific business needs.
  • Scalability: Systems that grow with your business.
  • Cost Efficiency: Avoid ongoing costs associated with traditional CRM systems.

Our goal is to create systems that save you time and money. Through seamless API integration and simplified user interfaces, we make managing administrative tasks easier than ever.

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a bridge that allows different software systems to communicate with each other. By integrating APIs, we ensure that your automated admin systems can connect with your other software tools, making data management and business processes more efficient.

For example, we integrate systems with platforms like Stripe for payments, inventory management tools, and CRM systems, allowing for centralised control and automation across your business.

Simplified CRM Systems

Many businesses are overwhelmed by complex Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems that come with a host of features they don’t need. At Barrett Solutions, we strip back the unnecessary elements and provide only what your business requires.

Traditional CRMs can be overcomplicated and expensive. We focus on the core functionalities that matter to your business, ensuring that the system is easy to use, cost-effective, and completely bespoke. This approach allows you to manage customer relationships, track sales, and handle customer interactions without the hefty price tag of a full-scale CRM system.

A Fast-Food Franchisee's Marketing Tool

One of our clients, a fast-food franchise, initially approached us to develop a simple PDF checklist for franchisees. However, the project quickly evolved into a dynamic, web-based marketing tool that automates many administrative tasks. The system includes features such as:

  • Completing digital questionnaires.
  • Adding notes and tracking progress.
  • Exporting results to PDF.
  • Managing questions and point allocations.

This bespoke system has become an essential internal resource, significantly improving franchisee support and maintaining consistency across their customer interactions. Franchisees can now easily track and report on their progress, ensuring a more efficient and standardised approach to marketing.

E-Learning Portals for Franchisees

Many of our clients require ongoing content delivery systems, especially for training and e-learning purposes. We created a centralised hub for a fast-food franchise where franchisees can access:

  • Marketing materials and guides.
  • Training videos.
  • A digital asset library with branded resources.

This cloud-based hub operates on a sub-domain, with password-protected access to the portal. The system is on a subdomain, so using “portal.” in front of the standard domain name to allow for ease of management and keep it cost effective by piggy backing on the main domain without having to pay twice.

The system is easy to navigate and offers the flexibility to make ongoing additions, such as embedding new videos or updating guides. This setup reduces the need for constant admin oversight, as franchisees can access what they need independently, whenever they need it.

Recently, our client tasked us with another addition. While the platform appears lightweight on the surface, we handle the heavy lifting behind the scenes. The client needed to upload 200 photos across multiple categories on their portal, with each category spanning 30 pages, all organised using short codes. These images were specifically designed to be used as cover images for social media accounts and outlet profiles. We ensured the photos were pre-scaled and ready for immediate use, streamlining the process for the franchisees.

We Love Collectibles (WLC) – Automated Admin System

For We Love Collectibles (WLC), a trading card business in Margate, we developed a comprehensive admin dashboard that automates much of their backend work. Key features of the system include:

  • Centralised data management via API integration.
  • Inventory control across e-commerce and physical locations.
  • Unified stock management for both online and in-store sales.

The system has transformed how WLC operates, allowing them to manage multiple aspects of their business from a single interface. This has not only reduced admin hours but also improved inventory accuracy, leading to increased customer satisfaction and sales.

Improving User Experience (UX/UI)

At Barrett Solutions, we believe that automated admin systems should be user-friendly and designed for ease of use. For WLC, we built a system with a simple, visually appealing interface, ensuring the platform was on-brand but easy for their team to navigate.

We also added advanced filtering options, allowing customers to search for specific trading cards more effectively. By automating parts of the e-commerce process, we increased sales per-day and improved customer experience without increasing staff workload.

An upcoming project involves building a custom computer part picker system for one of our clients. Customers will visit the website, select components from a set of pre-configured options to build their desired computer, and receive an automatic email summarising their chosen parts. This system is designed to significantly reduce admin workload by automating key aspects of the client’s business, streamlining the purchasing process, and enhancing the customer experience.

The Barrett Solutions Advantage

At Barrett Solutions, we pride ourselves on delivering bespoke systems that offer both immediate and long-term value. Our automated admin systems are designed to evolve with your business, ensuring they remain effective as your operations scale.

Whether you need:

  • Customised inventory management.
  • Client portals for training and content delivery.
  • Stripped-down CRM systems.

We provide tailored solutions that address your unique business challenges. As your dedicated technology partner, we handle all aspects of system development—from design to deployment—ensuring your business runs as efficiently as possible.

Ready to Transform Your Business with Automated Admin Systems?

If you’re tired of spending time on repetitive admin tasks, it’s time to explore the benefits of automated admin systems. At Barrett Solutions, we create bespoke systems that streamline operations, reduce admin work, and save you money. Get in touch today for a free consultation and let’s discuss how we can create an automated admin system that’s right for you.

Enquire about our services by sending an email to:

Our dedicated team is here to answer any questions you may have and guide you towards unlocking online success.

FAQs – Automated Admin Systems

An automated admin system helps businesses manage repetitive administrative tasks like data entry, inventory management, and customer interactions. These systems streamline processes, saving time and reducing human error.

Our systems use API integrations to connect with your existing tools, such as payment gateways, CRM systems, and inventory management software, ensuring seamless data flow across platforms.

By reducing the time spent on manual tasks, automated systems free up resources, allowing your team to focus on higher-value activities. This leads to increased productivity and fewer operational costs.

Absolutely. Our systems are built to grow with your business, ensuring that they remain effective as your operations expand. We offer customisable features so you can adapt your system to changing needs.

No, our systems are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. We provide training and support to ensure your team can easily navigate and use the system without needing technical knowledge.

Yes. All of our admin systems are fully bespoke and designed around your unique requirements. We’ll work with you to create a solution that addresses your specific challenges.

The development timeline depends on the complexity of the system, but we aim for a quick turnaround without compromising quality. Most systems can be operational within a few weeks. Certain aspects, or additional features, can be completed in a day or less.

We work with a variety of industries, including retail, franchises, e-commerce, financial services, and more. Our bespoke solutions are tailored to meet the needs of any business looking to improve their administrative processes.